Threatened & Endangered Species Habitat Assessments
Essential Fish Habitat Assessments
Benthic Community Assessments
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Surveys
Wetland Restoration/Mitigation Design and Construction Oversight
Environmental Compliance Monitoring
GIS/GPS Data Collection, Inventory & Mapping
Eco-Risk Assessments
Natural Resource Valuation & Asset Management
Our Strong Points. Your Advantages.
Delivering solutions that balance protection of natural resources with preparing for the future
Leaders in providing ecological and regulatory services developed through extensive experience with vital projects with regional significance
Wide array of land and in-water capabilities ranging from baseline ecological studies, threatened and endangered habitat assessments, environmental impact assessments, ecosystem mitigation and restoration design to complex Federal, State and local natural resources permitting and consultations and environmental compliance monitoring
Experience performing ecological risk assessments under a variety of State and Federal programs throughout the U.S.
Staff of ecologists, scientists and planners that can strategically identify challenges and provide a solutions that are technically feasible, defensible and cost effective