In Memoriam: Charles Jones, Matrix Director of Ecological Services, 1965-2024

March 2024
Baton Rouge, LA — Charles Jones, Director of Ecological Services at Matrix, passed away on March 23rd following a quick but intense battle with cancer.
Jayne Warne, PE, President, stated, “We will miss Charles tremendously. He was a valued member of the Matrix family, and an integral part of establishing our foothold in Louisiana. Matrix was fortunate to have Charles join the team in late 2017 and his impact in Louisiana was felt immediately. He was a kind, caring and wonderful colleague and friend. Our prayers and thoughts are with Charles’ family including his wife Ricki, his sons Jacob and Tyler, and his daughter Nicole.”
“Charles’ commitment to his work was palpable, and his impact in our Louisiana office has been invaluable,” added Senior Vice President Dennis Petrocelli.
A Man of the Outdoors
Charles can best be remembered for his kindness and love of the outdoors. He grew up in rural northcentral Louisiana and later attended Louisiana Tech University where he graduated with a Wildlife Conservation degree. From early childhood, he always loved hunting, fishing, and the outdoors in general. He spent most of his free time with family and friends, fishing, crawfishing, and cooking his catches.
With a passion for the environment, his primary focus of work for the past 16 years has been wetland restoration, wetland mitigation bank establishment, and mitigation bank market analysis. He has conducted wetland delineations, USACE Section 10 and 404 Permitting, Coastal Use Permitting, and Environmental Site Assessments. He has even served as an expert witness in wetland-related litigation. In a previous Matrix ‘Employee Spotlight’ piece, Charles said that his favorite part of his job was the opportunity to be out in nature, in areas where the typical person would never be. He said “I see wildlife in person that most only see in pictures. Playing my small role in restoring and preserving the natural habitat is very gratifying.”