Site Remediation for New Government Facility
As a consultant to the Borough of Ridgefield, Matrix provided Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) services at the location of the Borough’s proposed new municipal building site located on the western portions of Block 905, Lot 1 and Block 906, Lot 1. Matrix was responsible for pre-development activities including asbestos abatement, demolition, site clearing and grading activities, as well as soil and groundwater environmental investigations and remediation in six areas of concern (AOCs) at the project site. Remedial activities included permit preparation, oversight of the closure of several unregulated and regulated underground storage tanks associated with historic site operations, and oversight of Blue World Remediation (BWC) during the excavation and removal of several thousand tons of contaminated soil.
Matrix also oversaw BWC complete the proposed municipal building footprint excavation and site wide grading in advance of redevelopment activities. Based on the results of soil sampling site-wide, compounds associated with historic fill material were identified in shallow soils at concentrations exceeding the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) Soil Remediation Standards (SRS) in areas outside of previously remediated AOCs. Since historic fill impacts were identified site-wide, the LSRP, in consultation with the Borough, determined site-wide capping on non-hard scaped areas would be the most prudent and cost-effective remedial strategy. Due to low levels of contaminants of concern (COCs) in groundwater at the Site, Matrix offered our expertise to the Borough during the design and implementation of a passive vapor intrusion system that was successfully installed within the new municipal building. Additional groundwater investigations are pending.
Services Provided:
- Site Remediation
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Survey
- Structural Engineering
- Environmental Review
- Civil Engineering