Livingston Parish, Louisiana
Pontchartrain Basin Umbrella Wetland Mitigation Bank
Delineation of a New Wetlands Tract
Matrix, along with our partners, conducted a wetland delineation for a 5,960.52-acre tract in Livingston Parish, Louisiana. Matrix prepared a wetland data report for submittal to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New Orleans District and obtained a jurisdictional determination for the 5,960.52-acre tract.
The Site is located immediately west and south of the Gum Swamp Mitigation Bank and was intensively managed for loblolly pine. Matrix worked with the team to establish the Pontchartrain Basin Umbrella Mitigation Bank.
Services Provided:
- USACE Wetland Delineation
- USACE Jurisdictional Determination