NEPA Compliance in Aviation
The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ) is extending Taxiway K4 at JFK International Airport to help reduce delays by minimizing congestion in the airfield’s Times Square area, which experiences intensive and diverse use and accommodates approximately 50% of aircraft operations at the airport. The primary components of the project are construction of new taxiways and associated infrastructure (lighting, airfield signs, pavement markings), relocation of portions of the airport security fencing and patrol road, upgrades to the existing stormwater drainage and water quality systems, and shoreline stabilization along Jamaica Bay. PANYNJ is currently preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for FAA in connection with this project.
Matrix is the lead NEPA consultant responsible for preparing the EA, technical analyses, and associated agency consultations. In coordination with PANYNJ, Matrix prepared the Project Description, Purpose and Need, and Alternatives chapters of the Draft EA and was responsible for conducting and documenting the following technical analyses: Biological Resources; Coastal Resources; Department of Transportation Act Section 4(f) Resources; Natural Resources and Energy Supply; Socioeconomic Resources, Environmental Justice, Children’s Environmental Health and Safety Risks; Visual Effects; and Water Resources. Matrix is also preparing agency consultations packages related to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, Essential Fish Habitat, and Coastal Zone Consistency. In addition, Matrix is responsible for ensuring overall NEPA compliance and technical review of the NEPA document. Once complete, Matrix will coordinate and participate in Public Workshops in connection with the release of the Draft EA, address relevant public and agency comments on the document, and prepare the Final EA.
Services Provided:
- Environmental Assessment
- NEPA Consulting
- Public Outreach
- Stormwater Management Design Support