Supporting Resiliency Plans in NYC
As a subconsultant, Matrix provided permitting, environmental, and hazardous materials consulting services in support of the New York City Economic Development Corporation’s (NYCEDC) Homeport Resiliency Projects. Matrix prepared the City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) application and the preparation of a Determination of Significance. The Applicant (NYCEDC), in connection with the New York City Department of Small Business Services (NYCSBS), as CEQR Lead Agency, proposed the rehabilitation and improvement of two City-controlled properties totaling 5.8 acres in size. This proposed project would facilitate a proposal by the Applicant to improve resiliency of the site against future storms.
Matrix obtained various environmental permits for the project, including the U.S Coast Guard (USCG) authorization, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) authorization under Nationwide Permit, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Article 25 Tidal Wetland Permit and Water Quality Certification pursuant to Section 401 of Clean Water Act (CWA), coastal consistency concurrence from NYS Department of State (NYSDOS) and NYC Department of City Planning (NYCDCP), and NYCSBS Work Permits. Furthermore, Matrix coordinated historic resources and landmark review with the NYS State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission (NYCLPC) for the permitting and CEQR scope of work.
Our Hazardous Materials scope included hazardous materials investigation, design, construction administration, community air monitoring and asbestos project monitoring services at nine project sites across the City. Matrix conducted asbestos-containing material (ACM) surveys in accordance with applicable regulations and included collection of bulk asbestos samples of suspect ACM which were sent to an independent laboratory for analysis. Matrix also conducted lead-based paint/lead-containing paint surveys to identify lead and other heavy metals with potential to be impacted during the rehabilitation actives. PCB caulk sampling was also conducted by Matrix. A visual assessment of mold within the project limits was also conducted as Matrix collected samples and sent them in for analysis. Additionally, Matrix prepared a Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP), which included plans for up to four monitoring station along the perimeter of the facility to collect continuous data consisting of fugitive dust emissions and volatile organic compounds. Matrix also conducted underground storage tank (UST) and aboveground storage tank (AST) investigations and prepared a Storage Tank Inspection Report.
Services Provided:
- Permitting
- Environmental Remediation
- Hazardous Materials Investigation