Geotechnical Investigation Best Practices
Matrix completed geotechnical efforts as part of the Phase I investigation for right-of-way green infrastructure improvements in the Gravesend Bay area and continued this effort as part of Phase II. Due to an accelerated schedule to complete the effort, Matrix subcontracted multiple drilling, ground penetrating radar (GPR), and laboratory testing subcontractors to complete over 700 locations designated as potential green infrastructure opportunities for right-of-way bioswales, infiltration basins, or permeable pavement. Each location required a soil boring and a permeability boring conducted in strict conformance with the NYCDEP Office of Green Infrastructure’s “Procedure Governing Limited Geotechnical Investigation for Right-of-Way Green Infrastructure Practices.”
Matrix provided inspectors to oversee the entire investigation involving up to 6 active rigs at any given time, managed all drilling and laboratory subcontractors’ technical efforts, and developed complete boring logs, permeability test logs, location database, and geotechnical reports for 7 separate Sub-Areas as part of this scope. Matrix’s efforts provided the client with definitive design direction for all locations with respect to the suitability of green infrastructure practices.
Services Provided:
- Geotechnical Engineering