Managing Risk Through Technical Expertise
The Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) is undertaking the creation of an integrated coastal flood risk management system, known as the Combined North and West PDB Project. Matrix is working with the consulting engineering team to develop background technical information, perform geotechnical investigations; topographic, utility and sewer surveys, environmental and hazardous materials surveys; and regulatory permitting. Matrix is also preparing technical requirements to be included in the Design-Build RFP and contract and preparing relevant chapters of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Our geotechnical investigation included a test boring location plan, advancement of 20 geotechnical borings and 12 permeability borings, and six monitoring wells, and preparation of a Geotechnical Assessment Report with findings and conclusions.
The environmental investigation included preparation of a Corridor Environmental Site Assessment report. Matrix also performed a hazardous materials investigation and provided regulatory permitting. Matrix provided land surveying services including boundary, topographic, bathymetric and utility. Matrix utilized conventional and 3D laser scanning technologies.
Services Provided:
- Environmental Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Hazardous Materials
- Regulatory Permitting
- EIS Support
- Land Surveying