Restoring Ecologically Impaired Habitat
Matrix provided marine/biological services necessary to support the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Office of Maritime Resources and their team for the NJ State Channel Dredging Program. Matrix lead biological services required to support beneficially reusing dredge material from various State channels to restore ecologically impaired subaqueous borrow pits (a.k.a. dredged holes). As part of this effort, Matrix conducted a detailed site-specific sampling program and developed a dredged hole restoration plan for two locations in Barnegat Bay.
The objective of the dredged hole restoration plan was to develop measures required to restore the two hypoxic dredged holes in order to promote recolonization of benthic organisms and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) beds. The plan included: identification of specific sources for appropriate fill material; specifications for final cover material; filling methodologies; operational best management practices; monitoring requirements; and adaptive management measures.
Services Provided:
- Marine Engineering
- Biological Services
- Ecological Restoration Planning