Healing Solutions for a Challenged Landscape
Matrix provided site remediation and ecological services in support of the clean-up of a federal Superfund Site located in Maywood, New Jersey. As part of our site remediation services, Matrix communicated and worked with the various responsible parties and regulatory entities to coordinate the Superfund investigation and remediation activities at the Site. Matrix was responsible for the review of data and remedial approaches on behalf of the Property Owner.
Separate from Superfund, Matrix is the LSRP of record for UST related contamination. The scope of work included the completion of a Remedial Investigation, Remedial Action and issuance of AOC Specific Response Action Outcomes (RAOs).
As part of ecological services, Matrix was responsible for developing and implementing an approach to restore and enhance a degraded and contaminated freshwater wetland complex as part of site the restoration activities. Matrix interfaced with multiple regulatory agencies to obtain approval for a multi-facetted design that involves managing on-site and off-site drainage, eradicating and controlling invasive species and enhancing wetland and riparian habitat. Matrix worked with USACE to prepare and submit requisite permit applications and to develop intricate design details for the wetland enhancement. Services provided include regulatory consulting, landscape architecture, site/civil engineering professional surveying services, along with construction administration and oversight, and wetland monitoring.
Matrix was awarded the 2022 Distinguished Engineering Award by NJ Alliance for Action for our role in this complex remediation project.
Services Provided:
- Regulatory Consulting
- Site Remediation
- Landscape Architecture
- Civil Engineering
- Professional Land Surveying
- Construction Administration